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Python Booleans

Booleans in Python

In Python, the Boolean data type is used to represent truth values. Booleans can only have two possible values: True or False. Boolean values are often used in control flow statements, comparisons, and logical operations.

1. Boolean Values:

True: Represents the concept of truth or a positive condition.

False: Represents the concept of falsehood or a negative condition.

is_true = True
is_false = False

2. Boolean Operations:

Logical AND (and), Logical OR (or), Logical NOT (not).

x = True
y = False

result_and = x and y   # False
result_or = x or y     # True
result_not = not x     # False

3. Comparison Operators:

Return Boolean values based on the comparison of two values.

a = 5
b = 10

is_equal = a == b      # False
not_equal = a != b      # True
greater_than = a > b    # False
less_than = a < b       # True
greater_than_equal = a >= b  # False
less_than_equal = a <= b     # True

4. Truthy and Falsy Values:

Falsy values: False, None, 0, 0.0, "" (empty string), [] (empty list), {} (empty dictionary), () (empty tuple).

Truthy values: Any value not considered falsy.

falsy_value = 0
truthy_value = "Hello"

is_falsy = bool(falsy_value)  # False
is_truthy = bool(truthy_value)  # True

5. Boolean Conversion:

The bool() function can be used to explicitly convert values to Boolean.

bool_true = bool(1)      # True
bool_false = bool(0)     # False
bool_empty_str = bool("")  # False

Booleans play a crucial role in decision-making and control flow in Python programs. They are used in if statements, while loops, and other constructs to determine the flow of execution based on the truth or falsity of conditions. Understanding Boolean logic is fundamental for writing effective and expressive Python code.

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