Javascript Topics
- JS Introduction
- JS Execution
- Node.js Installation
- What are Variables?
- Variable Naming Rules
- Primitives and Objects
- Operators and Expressions
- var vs let vs const
- If else conditionals
- If else ladder
- Switch case
- Ternary Operator
- For Loops
- While Loop
- Functions
- Strings
- Arrays and Array Methods
- Loops with Arrays
- Map, Filter and Reduce
- Date
- Math
- Number
- Boolean
- Window Object
- History Object
- Navigator Object
- Screen Object
- Document Object
- getElementbyId
- getElementsByClassName
- getElementsByName
- getElementsByTagName
- innerHTML
- outerHTML
- Class
- Objects
- Constructor
- Static Method
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction